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#copypaste utk dibacaa.WAIT FOR GOD’S BEST BY SHAWN MCKENZIE

Wait For God’s Best


Many of us desire to be with someone for a lifetime. It’s in us… God has placed in our hearts affection, compassion, and the desire for companionship. While God may call a small percentage to the single life (ex. Paul), it’s rare. InMatthew 6:33 it reads, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Many of us seek a relationship with the opposite sex rather than seeking God first as if a relationship is purpose here on Earth. Your primary purpose is not to be in relationship, but to seek God first and to share the Gospel to those who are lost so that souls can be saved. Listen, God made you. He knew you before you were born (Jeremiah 1:5). Doesn’t that give indication that He also knows the desires of your heart? That includes the desire to be married to the one He made for you.
This may seem like a challenge but here are some tips on waiting and receiving God’s best for a significant other:

1. Allow God to bring the right person in your life.

In Matthew 6:25-27 He says, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” The keynote is DO NOT WORRY because He already knows your need. So why are we bickering, complaining, and growing frustrated because we’re not in a relationship? Simply because we don’t trust God’s hand. We’re looking at our friend’s life and how they’re so happily in love or married, and we get discouraged or envious. It comes down to how much you trust God to work on your behalf. Trust God. Let Him be in control to bring the right one for you.

2. Don’t complain.

It angered God so much that the Israelites complained in the desert after all the miracles that He performed to get them out of Egypt to the point that God allowed the trip to be much longer than it needed to be. Complaining to others or having a bitter heart towards God about not having a relationship does not help the situation. You can stop this particular blessing in your life because you’re complaining about what you don’t have which leads into the next point…

3. Be grateful for what God has already given you.

We as human beings have such a bad habit on focusing on what we don’t have that we fail to notice the great things that we do have. You may be so focused on trying to be in a relationship that you don’t have time to be thankful of the great relationship that you have with your mother or other family members. You may be so focused on not being someone’s #wcw or #mcm that you don’t have the time to be thankful that you have a job that pays the bills. You may be so focused on not having a date on Friday night, that you don’t have the time to be thankful that you have a car that can get you from point A to point B. Ask yourself, “Am I living each day with a grateful heart, or am I allowing my focus to only be on what I don’t have?”

4. Don’t interrupt God in trying to make it happen for yourself.

Warning: When you begin to make things happen for yourself without God, you will end up allowing the wrong person to enter your life who you are NOT supposed to be within a relationship. Sometimes we can get so anxious in having a partner that we take the first person we see thinking that it’s God’s best when really they’re not. You will end up compromising to make them happy and lowering your standards just to say you’re in a relationship. Watch out for this! This is not God’s best for you. Seek God when you do meet someone to make sure that it is the right person that God wants in your life. Then not only should you ask God for guidance, but LISTEN to God as well. God could be telling you that a person is not His best, but you may be to stubborn to receive that in your heart to remove the person from your life.
A saying that I have heard for women but the lesson could be applied for men as well is ladies don’t jump to marry Ishmael because you were too impatient to wait on Isaac. Isaac was God’s best, the son that He had promised to Abraham through relations with Sarah. But Abraham was too impatient and instead had a son with Hagar because he was trying to make God’s best happen himself. He took matters into his own hands and made a huge mistake. What that story tells us is that it is extremely important for us to carefully listen and follow God’s direction so that we may not allow our lack of patience cause problems as God tries to send His best for us.

5. Focus on furthering God’s kingdom through your life.

Make the most with the time that you have in your singleness. Your life is about so much more than who is dating you. Instead of focusing on the absence of a ring on your left hand, focus on what goals you want to accomplish out of life. Focus on what God has put in your heart to do to help others. Focus on what kind of mark you want to leave on this earth for God’s kingdom. Everything will happen in God’s timing so let God be the one concerned about when you meet the right one while you focus on His mission for your life.
A good friend of mind said to me “I remember a sermon where the preacher said that before you complain about what you don’t have…ask yourself, are you TRULY seeking after God’s Kingdom as it says in Matthew 6:33? Are you seeking after God’s purpose for your life? That may be a reason why God won’t give you a certain desires of your heart because He knows that once you receive it, you’ll become so consumed with it that you’ll forget about God once you get it!”
Take a moment to reflect honestly with yourself. Do you feel that you’re spiritually at a point where you can handle God’s blessing to have His best in your life without straying away from Him and His purpose for your life?
I’m not sure whom I’m speaking to but young man — young woman you are at a good place. Do not be weary in well doing. Do not waver. Do not faint. The best decision you could have ever chosen is first Jesus. Then it is to wait on Him because waiting on God gives Him the ability to work on you, to have a personal one-on-one, and to receive His best! You don’t have to wait. You can pick and choose who want, but mark my words, you’ll be looking for a way out. Put God first and be patient.


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