Jenny Williams, A Modern Day Ruth, Copyright 2014
I used to feel afraid to let love in... I wanted to be loved by a man, but I was afraid to trust anyone. I put a wall around myself, and I shut out the possibility without even me knowing it. Poppa God has been patient as I have surrendered the key to the door of my heart. I daily lay down my feelings, affections and desires to Him. He has the reins of my heart, so I can be safe and secure knowing I will be steered toward the right field, to the right person and to go in the right direction. My focus is Him alone, not man. It's so peaceful knowing that I don't have to be afraid when love comes again. I love how the saying goes: "Dance with God and He will let the right man cut in." That's what this journey has felt like....a beautiful dance. I'm learning the heartbeat of His love for me. He leads as I lean closely to Him. Getting lost in His love has helped me to be found. ~ Jenny Williams, A Modern Day Ruth, Copyright 2014