3 Tips to Getting Over An Ex by Tovaris Grey . #Copypaste #Sharingiscaring


One of the most common questions/concerns I get in my inbox are typically
along these lines: “I was dating someone for a few years and we just broke up…”,
“How do I get over my ex?”, and the very frequent “I didn’t mind him/her saying
let’s take a break to focus on God, but two weeks later they’re seeing someone else.” 

Getting over an ex is not easy, because there is no “on/off” switch to love or how we feel.
However, there are a few tips to actually recovering from that breakup.  
Spend time with God. 
It will never make sense to me when someone says they can’t get over an ex
, but they aren’t spending time with God. If you are spending all of your time
 reminiscing over pictures and going down memory lane, your heart will always
 be in that state of brokenness. In the presence of God, there is fulness of joy (Psalms 16:11),
there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17), and there is peace (Isaiah 26:3). Of course the list goes on,
 there is so much we find by seeking God. 
Being in God’s presence places our lives into perspective. In Isaiah 6, the Bible shows us
 that the prophet Isaiah saw God in the year of the king’s death. Isaiah was a man of God,
but in God’s presence realized just how unclean and lost he was without God. However,
the part that gets to me is that he didn’t really see that much of God until someone died.
 Meaning, if the king was still alive, maybe he would’ve never noticed how big God really is.
It wasn’t until king Uzziah was removed that Isaiah could have this experience. 
Sometimes God has to remove a person out of our lives for us to see Him for who He is.
 Sometimes we never notice that Jesus is the most important thing to happen to us until
 He is all we have left. Relationships easily becomes idols in our lives when we don’t keep
 things into proper perspective. 
Your worth is not in someone or something you can lose, your value is in Jesus Christ.
Your identity is not in your ex, spouse, degree, etc., it is only found in Jesus. Until you learn
 to find purpose in Jesus, you’ll continue seeking it from others.  
“In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up
, and his train filled the temple.” (‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭6:1‬)

Stop seeking closure/an apology. 
One of the worse things we can do is to only trust God when things go our way.
Meaning, it is very easy to love God when He gives the desires of your heart,
but will we still obey if He removes that person? To love is to be vulnerable.
We trust someone and that gives them the power to hurt us. Is it God’s plan for us to be hurt? No
. Is it God’s plan for you to get cheated on or abused? No, and it never will be.
 However, God allows things to work together for our good; it’s just a matter of will you trust Him?  
Does God restore broken relationships? YES! 
I’m currently engaged to be married, all glory to God because she’s pretty amazing,
and I tried to pursue her once before around 2011. It didn’t work out. Thankfully,
it didn’t end on bad terms. The timing was just off, so it didn’t happen. I’m glad it didn’t
though because I was clueless on how to be in a serious relationship (it’s not even easy now),
 all of this is a learning experience that Jesus has to help us through. So God protected her
from my immaturity, selfishness, etc. and allowed us both to just focus on His plan.
 She finished school and I ended up joining the military and finishing school here now.
 I wouldn’t say God didn’t open that door so we could get degrees first, but He didn’t let u
s get what we desired because His plans were better than ours. So I understand that God can
mend broken relationships, just stay focused on Him and let Him do the mending,
not your emotions. We should be sure God is the one who led us back to an ex, not loneliness. 
Does God restore all broken relationships? NO! 
Many people ask me daily, will God send back my ex (this is after mentioning a relationship
 that doesn’t appear to have had God as the focus), and all I can do is simply think is, “why
 do you even want them back?” Of course I wouldn’t say that, because we all sometimes
are addicted to what’s destroying us. My point is, most times relationships end because they
 weren’t ever in God’s plan to begin with. If you tell me that they are only after sex, in my
opinion, God didn’t send them. If they only want they can get from you, they don’t love you.
 If they’re willing to drop you whenever they’re bored or there is an argument, that was
 NEVER love to begin with. 
Sometimes you have to learn that some relationships are temporary and you only hurt yourself
when you refuse to let go. We will outgrow some people that come into our lives, and that is okay.
Some people only pretended to love God to get your attention, but you can’t become lukewarm
to keep them. If you have to sin to get them, you’ll have to continue compromising to keep them. 
Why do we as humans hurt others? Not because we are cruel, but because of sin. So we have to
 show grace to those who hurt us, but we also have to realize when God is the one who
delivered us from a relationship.  

“There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.”
 (Proverbs‬ ‭19:21‬)
Stop checking on their every move.
I’m not saying you have to delete numbers and unfollow someone if you two stop dating,
but you have to give yourself space to heal. Trying to figure out why they chose someone
else will hurt you. Checking their page to see if they’re miserable shows you’re not healed.
 If they’re happy, you’ll only feel jealousy or anger. Unplug from social media, stop reminiscing
daily and then just sit in God’s presence. They’re doing just fine, pray for them and move forward. 
Can you imagine how much we work against God when we pray, “God please give me the
strength to get through this breakup”, then turn around and check your ex’s page (or their
 families so you can be more “discrete”)? We are basically slowing down what God wants to do
. It is not God’s will for you to be bitter. 
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in
 thee.” (‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26:3‬)
If you took none of my advice, please hear this part: God will not remove anything from your
life if He wasn’t protecting you, or giving you better. Trust God’s plan. Sometimes we orchestrate
 our own life and then bring it to God as if He should cosign to our emotional/spiritual downfall.
God knows best, just learn to trust and obey. 
Grace and peace,
Tovares Grey


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