So where is he? When is he coming? and what in the world is taking his behind so long?...I know that's what you're thinking, and I completely understand how you feel. Waiting for the man God has for you can get annoying, frustrating, and at times feel hopeless. It's not an easy path to walk, but when done right, it is without a doubt going to provide the most benefit. Does God really have a man just for you? Well to be honest, the answer is yes and no. It's "no" in the sense that you are not locked in to get a specific man, no matter what you do. The idea that there is a soul mate who you are guaranteed to be with is simply not true. You have decisions in life you have to make, and plenty of people make choices that block them from being with the person who is truly best for them. Notice I said "the person who is truly best for them". This is where I believe the term "soul mate" can be applied, and this is where the "yes" comes i...
Sebanyak banyak sakit yang sa alami, sakit datang bulan tu yang paling sa tidak suka. Rasa macam tidak mau buat apa-apa.. baring2 saja. Kadang-kdang boleh sampai pengsan sebab rasa mau pitam. Tapi yang paling sakit lagi bila rasa macam ada blender di "tentug" kalau datang bulan dan bintang. Kalau itu, sampai beguling guling di lantai. Sakit kedua yang sa tida suka ialah sakit dugal@gastrik. Sakit gastrik sa ni lain, urang panggil gastrik angin. Tu angin akan tersekat di dada sampai susa mo benafas. Perut pun kembung masa tu. kalau tekan, keras. Jadi sangat tida selesa. Saturang kawan cerita sama sa baru2, dia sakit gastrik sampai apa saja yanng dia makan, dia muntah. Sampai dua minggu macam tu. sengsara juga dibilang sampai nangis-nangis. Ada banyak sakit di dunia ni. Baru2 ni timbul bisul di kaki sa. Sa gerigitan betul sampai sa pigi picit2 sampai keluar yang di dalam tu bisul. Bukannya makin bagus tapi makin sakit pula. haha. Ada juga becerita sama kawan baru-baru ni....
Life is hard but doesn’t mean you need to be weak. Because life will always be a life and your emotion will change everyday every moment. So don’t depend on only one emotion but greet it and say goodbye to it. It is not good to make one emotion bigger than the other but keep learning and try to put your emotion into words. Then you will know, what is your feel, the real feeling and the desire of your heart. But for now, for my life, I want to trust that I sm loved, I am matter and I am important not for all people but it is enough if there is one or two people who got my back my life. JUNE 2018 #selflove
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