Reminder for myself . By Debra. #copypaste
11 Signs You Need a Break from Social Media In Advice and Encouragement , Relationships by Debra Fileta August 31, 2017 There’s no denying that social media has a powerful role in our lives and personal relationships. It helps us stay connected, spread information, and share our stories with one another in a really unique way. But isn’t it safe to say that many times – instead of adding to our lives, it begins to take over? I know that there are times in my life that I’m guilty of this. Even as I write this post, I am increasingly aware that my life is slowly creeping back in that direction. It’s easy to get to a place where we want to post about the moments of life more than we actually savor those moments. Maybe you’re aware of this tendency in your own life. If so, consider the following signs that maybe it’s time for a social media break: 11. You’ve actually said the word “hash-tag” out loud in a conversation. 10...