#copypaste utk dibacaa.WAIT FOR GOD’S BEST BY SHAWN MCKENZIE
WAIT FOR GOD’S BEST BY SHAWN MCKENZIE MARCH 24, 2015 LOVE , RELATIONSHIPS 103 1 15 Many of us desire to be with someone for a lifetime. It’s in us… God has placed in our hearts affection, compassion, and the desire for companionship. While God may call a small percentage to the single life (ex. Paul), it’s rare. In Matthew 6:33 it reads, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Many of us seek a relationship with the opposite sex rather than seeking God first as if a relationship is purpose here on Earth. Your primary purpose is not to be in relationship, but to seek God first and to share the Gospel to those who are lost so that souls can be saved. Listen, God made you. He knew you before you were born ( Jeremiah 1:5 ). Doesn’t that give indication that He also knows the desires of your heart? That includes the desire to be married to the one He made for you. This may ...