
Showing posts from July, 2015

#copypaste utk dibacaa.WAIT FOR GOD’S BEST BY SHAWN MCKENZIE

WAIT FOR GOD’S BEST BY SHAWN MCKENZIE   MARCH 24, 2015 LOVE , RELATIONSHIPS 103 1 15 Many of us desire to be with someone for a lifetime. It’s in us… God has placed in our hearts affection, compassion, and the desire for companionship.  While God may call a small percentage to the single life (ex. Paul), it’s rare. In Matthew 6:33  it reads, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Many of us seek a relationship with the opposite sex rather than seeking God first as if a relationship is purpose here on Earth. Your primary purpose is not to be in relationship, but to seek God first and to share the Gospel to those who are lost so that souls can be saved. Listen, God made you. He knew you before you were born ( Jeremiah 1:5 ). Doesn’t that give indication that He also knows the desires of your heart? That includes the desire to be married to the one He made for you. This may ...

Hari kedua praktikumm di SK. Bingkor

Hari ni pg skola tp mengajar 1 slot sja. Mula2 datang, kihoi skola besar pula ini. Tp bila masuk skola, siok jugala.. skali demam pula. Punya tida siok klau sakit2 mgajar. Sekian sj lintasan niari. Tapuk2 update blog msa si am mgajar. Lpasni sa mgajar suda. Hai budak prasekolah. Kalau jajal cigu cubittt bertubi2. Terekkk

Kawan :)

Amsal 27: 5 Lebih baik teguran yang terus terang daripada kasih yang tidak terungkapkan . Lagi bagus kita sebagai seorang kawan, menegur antara satu dengan yang lain dengan "terus terang" . Cari kesempatan untuk berterus terang kalau ada hal yang patut kt tegur. Cthnya, kalau kawan kt itu mula suka2 p bercinta sama org yg x seiman, ataupun berjinak2 dgn hal yang x bgus, lg baik kt tegur awal2. Lagi bagus terus terang daripada diam-diam. Sbagai seorang kwn, kt sda smestinya mengasihi kwn kt. Apa bukti kt syg kwn kt? slain kt blanja dia mknan kt mau tegur dia utk hal2 yg patut ditegur sbp kt mengasihi dia.. mahu yg terbaik untuk hidup dia. Kt syg kwn kt, tp kt kc biar dia bt perkara2 yg x bgus.. itu ertinya kt x mengungkapkan kasih kt sma kwn kt tu. Tp bila sudah tegur.. tp kwn kt x mau dgr.. apa patut kt buat.. kt terus doakan spya kwn kt tu ada ksedaran walaupun masing2 besar sudah..pandai2 lah mau berfikir di alam sedar.. yang penting sudah tegur dengan terus terang, lag...

Cerita tentang Pensyarah baru opsyen kami :)

Ni sem kami kna ajar oleh Dr Connie Cassy Ompok.. lect Pendidikan awal kanak-kanak yg bru habis PHD dia trus balik p mngajar di IPG. selama ni belajar subjek PRA, masi lagi mcm biasa.. masuk kelas, blajar lpastu  blh lagi steady.. klau orang dusun cakap "esteady" haha. Tapi ni sem ada lain sikit. Sebab yg mengajar kami ni sudah hbis PHD lpastu bnyk pengalaman dalam bidang prasekolah.. banyak cerita dia. Kata2 yang slalu dia guna di kelas ialah: Fikir dulu sebelum cakap Pastikan tahu apa yang dicakap Belajar betul2, ajar kanak2 btl2 supaya bila kamu ajar tu knk2 dgn sungguh2, ekonomi negara akan jadi maju bila smua kanak2 maju dlm hidup Tuhan akan buka jalan2 dalam hidup bila kt ikhlas mengajar Mintalah..maka kamu akan diberikan Kesusahan sehari cukuplah untuk sehari "takkan kamu mau jadi guru yang biasa-biasa saja.. sambung belajar.." Otak di kepala bukan di tengah..>>kalau belum tahu perkembangan kanak-kanak jangan dulu fikir2 mau kawin Jangan ra...

#Fear #BeNotAfraid

Buku "Let your life Parker J.Palmer" M/s 93. #Fear #BeNotAfraid ....we can remind each other of the dominant role that fear plays in our lives, of all the ways that fear forecloses the potential. It is no accident that all of the world's wisdom traditions address the fact of fear, for all of them originated in the human struggle to overcome this ancient enemy. And all of these traditions, despite their great diversity, unite in one exhortation to those who walk in their ways: "Be not afraid."            As one who is no stranger to fear, I have had to read those words with care so as not to twist them into a discouraging counsel of perfection. "Be not afraid" does not mean we cannot have fear. Everyone has fear, and people who embrace the call to leadership often find fear abounding. Instead, the words say we do not need to be the fear we have. We do not have to lead from a place of fear, thereby engendering a world in which...

Day 1 - Choosing To be Right Instead of Choosing the Relationship by Natalie Snapp

Day 1 - Choosing To be Right Instead of Choosing the Relationship by Natalie Snapp   Choosing To Be Right Instead of Choosing the Relationship "You have heard the law that say punishment must match the injury: 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But I say, do not resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also." - Matthew 5:38-45   My ears were buzzing and my mind was foggy. My stomach began to feel like it had been watching my son’s gymnastics class a little too closely.   And I had to resist the urge to hold up my hands, declare defeat and run to my bed where I could safely throw the covers over my head and hide from the world.   Careless words that crossed my lips had hurt my friend and I cannot, CANNOT, stand when someone is upset with me.   Of course, this isn’t realistic because I have three children and a husband – retreating from the world won’t really...


Identity does not depend on the role we play or the power it gives us over others. It depends only on the simple fact that we are children of God, valued in and for ourselves.  (Buku let your life speak by Parker J.Palmer)

lagu kuriaa :D (Youtube) 기억하네요 나를 향한 주님의 사랑  I remember God's love for me 나의 마음 만져주셨네 He touched my broken heart 그 사랑 때문에  Because of that love 쓰러졌던 난 일어나네  I rose up again after my fall 오 놀라우신 놀라운 주 사랑 Oh Amazing, How amazing is His Love 나를 향한 주님의 한 없는 그 사랑  God's undending love towards me 나 같은 죄인 살려주신 그 사랑 He saved a sinner like me 이젠 영원히 주님만 경배합니다  So now I will praise Him forever 오 놀라운 사랑 그 영원한 사랑 Oh Amazing, How amazing is His Love 알기원해요 나를 향한 주님의 마음  I desire to know God's love towards me 그 마음으로 내 모습 보네 With His heart , I want to see myself 당신의 눈에 태초부터 나는 완전해  In Your eyes I am perfect from the beginning 날 구원하신 놀라운 주 사랑 The Amazing Love that saved me so 나를 향한 주님의 한 없는 그 사랑  God's undending love towards me 나 같은 죄인 살려주신 그 사랑 He saved a sinner like me 이젠 영원히 주님만 경배합니다  So now I will praise Him forever 오 놀라운 사랑 그 영원한 사랑 Oh Amazing, How amazing is His Love music & lyrics by Brian Y. Kim

8 Qualities To Look For In Great Friends by Jarrid Wilson

8 Qualities To Look For In Great Friends By  Jarrid Wilson   jarridwilson March 25, 2015 Relationships Community is a big part of the life we live. And while some of us may have a bigger sense of community than others, the importance of having friends to confide in, spend time with and celebrate alongside are pinnacle to living the community-based life Jesus has called us to. Finding new friends is easy, but finding great friends can be quite tough. True friendships should last a lifetime, and I believe these 10 qualities are a good start when searching for friends you can truly do life with. 1. Reliable.  Flakes are lame. Nobody likes to spend time with someone who constantly backs out of plans and shows up late. You’ll find yourself getting more and more frustrated with this person each and every time it happens. Mind you, not everyone is perfect, but you want someone in your life who is reliable and can be counted on. ...

Nampak si Manda share d FB td pagi. :) Tp siokk ni.

≡ by   AARON LOY The Traits of Innovative Leaders 5 characteristics everyone can learn from. 447 36 More Some say the millennial generation is the most connected generation the world has ever seen. And maybe the most hopeful. The generation grew up with a front row seat to the countless needs of the world constantly updated in real time, and we have the audacity to believe we can actually make a difference. Many have or will set out to do precisely that. This is no small thing. There are few young adults content with the idea of living an insignificant life. When asked, most will readily admit we long for much more than that. To quote the late Steve Jobs, we long to make “a dent in the universe.” We want to leave the world different from how we found it. We want our lives to matter. The new good news is, those who are chasing their dreams, leading and innovating with purpose, seem to exhibit similar ...